Can you put a "basketball player" into a Pantera?

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Can you put a "basketball player" into a Pantera?

Inläggav kimmoschroderus » 08 09 16, 10:42

Greetings. I´m a car enthusiast from Finland. "My classic car" is Audi quattro from year 1984, but lately I´ve been spending lots of time by admiring the shapes of Panteras. In my every-day reality that means mainly books and internet. I´ve never been inside a Pantera, and I don´t personally know anybody who owns a Pantera. It looks like there is a much more active "Pantera scene" in Sweden than here in Finland. Can you tell me, is where a possibility for a taller driver to fit himself into driver´s place in a Pantera? It looks like the motor is so near your back and the roof is so low...
Inlägg: 7
Blev medlem: 08 09 16, 10:10
Ort: Nurmijärvi, Finland

Inläggav Leffe9188 » 08 09 16, 11:47

Every thing depends how tall you are. In "late" build cars the floorpans are lowered in order to fit taller drivers. In my car for ex (-81)i belive 190-195 cm is no problem at all. You are wellkome to try your fitting in my car if you are around.
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Leffe S
Inlägg: 113
Blev medlem: 08 01 26, 15:02
Ort: Märsta


Inläggav Ingo » 08 09 16, 13:19

Leffe9188 skrev:Kimmo
Every thing depends how tall you are. In "late" build cars the floorpans are lowered in order to fit taller drivers. In my car for ex (-81)i belive 190-195 cm is no problem at all. You are wellkome to try your fitting in my car if you are around.

Har du någon bild som visar vad som skiljer i golvet.
Jag är på gång att sänka gplvet i min förserie 71,a och inte finns det direkt mycket att ta....
Inlägg: 363
Blev medlem: 08 01 27, 14:20
Ort: Skellefte

Inläggav Lars K » 08 09 16, 16:11

Hello and welcome to our forum!
I'm 190cm and I fit in the car, but I don't sit comfortable at all. It also depends on which seats you have in the car. I have the original ones.
Lars K
Inlägg: 274
Blev medlem: 08 01 25, 19:18
Ort: Östergötland

Inläggav Guson » 08 09 16, 16:52

As always, it depends... Earlier cars have thinner seats which helps a lot. Later cars have lower floorpans but thicker seats. I have a 71 with stock US type seats. I barely fit (at around 188 cm) with some mods to the seat backrest allowing it to lean back more and no headrest on the drivers seat. The seat is not very comfortable but it's more due to poor padding than seating position. I rode in a GT5s this summer and I could drive it but I could not sit comfortably in the passenger seat. If the sun visor was up it would hit my forehead. This is not the case in my 71 with the above mods.
Tomas Gunnarsson
Ordförande SDTK
Inlägg: 409
Blev medlem: 08 01 26, 14:09
Ort: Uppsala

Lower floorpan

Inläggav Ingo » 08 09 16, 18:56

Guson skrev:As always, it depends... Earlier cars have thinner seats which helps a lot. Later cars have lower floorpans but thicker seats. I have a 71 with stock US type seats. I barely fit (at around 188 cm) with some mods to the seat backrest allowing it to lean back more and no headrest on the drivers seat. The seat is not very comfortable but it's more due to poor padding than seating position. I rode in a GT5s this summer and I could drive it but I could not sit comfortably in the passenger seat. If the sun visor was up it would hit my forehead. This is not the case in my 71 with the above mods.

How much lower are the floorpan to the later cars?
And are they lower both in the front and the rear?
At go down in the front it,s ieasy,but rear you not have many millimeter.
But its in the rear i vill down......
Inlägg: 363
Blev medlem: 08 01 27, 14:20
Ort: Skellefte

Re: Lower floorpan

Inläggav Leffe9188 » 08 09 16, 20:45

Ingo skrev:
Guson skrev:As always, it depends... Earlier cars have thinner seats which helps a lot. Later cars have lower floorpans but thicker seats. I have a 71 with stock US type seats. I barely fit (at around 188 cm) with some mods to the seat backrest allowing it to lean back more and no headrest on the drivers seat. The seat is not very comfortable but it's more due to poor padding than seating position. I rode in a GT5s this summer and I could drive it but I could not sit comfortably in the passenger seat. If the sun visor was up it would hit my forehead. This is not the case in my 71 with the above mods.

How much lower are the floorpan to the later cars?
And are they lower both in the front and the rear?
At go down in the front it,s ieasy,but rear you not have many millimeter.
But its in the rear i vill down......

Här kommer några bilder, hoppas dom e till någon hjälp. Tomas, mina knappstoppade orginalstolar i skinn har VERKLIGEN sparsamt med stoppning.(kan det vara mindre och kallas stoppade stolar....?!)

Tydligen dags att tvätta bilen
Manage Attachments
Leffe S
Inlägg: 113
Blev medlem: 08 01 26, 15:02
Ort: Märsta

Inläggav Yngve Pettersson » 08 09 16, 21:34

Hi Kimmo
Like Lars I am also 1,90 and my seat are some aftermarket "retro" see link ... 3&start=15 and I have a lot of space for my long legs, but with helmet on i must sunk down and lean my head a bit. With modified floorpan it shod be no problems to wear helmet. The left seat are a little bit worse due to the Hump. My car is a Pre L -72
Hälsn. Yngve#2483
Yngve Pettersson
Kassör SDTK
Inlägg: 207
Blev medlem: 08 01 25, 23:20
Ort: linköping

Inläggav kimmoschroderus » 08 09 16, 21:40

Thank you all for your answers! And thanks for being so polite and doing it in English. Actually I also do read these pages and I do understand most of the Swedish text on them, it just is so much easier for myself to do my questions in English. And your answers were very detailed and satisfying. I kind of wanted to know, if I´m just wasting my time when gathering information about Panteras. Seems like I´m not. And Leffe, thank you a lot for your offer. I will contact you.
Inlägg: 7
Blev medlem: 08 09 16, 10:10
Ort: Nurmijärvi, Finland

Inläggav kimmoschroderus » 08 09 16, 21:49

And hello Yngve!

I also do have a problem with a helmet already with my Audi quattro. I´m 195 cm tall. Luckily, there is an off-going sunroof which gives me the space I need when driving my quattro with a helmet. but what do you mean with the "left seat" ? Driver/passenger?
Inlägg: 7
Blev medlem: 08 09 16, 10:10
Ort: Nurmijärvi, Finland

Inläggav Guson » 08 09 16, 22:00


Jag har inte kollat så noga på dina stolar men mina är ca 10-20 mm tjocka under belastning. GT5s är mycket tjockare.
Tomas Gunnarsson
Ordförande SDTK
Inlägg: 409
Blev medlem: 08 01 26, 14:09
Ort: Uppsala

Re: Lower floorpan

Inläggav Ingo » 08 09 17, 18:54

Leffe9188 skrev:
Ingo skrev:
Guson skrev:As always, it depends... Earlier cars have thinner seats which helps a lot. Later cars have lower floorpans but thicker seats. I have a 71 with stock US type seats. I barely fit (at around 188 cm) with some mods to the seat backrest allowing it to lean back more and no headrest on the drivers seat. The seat is not very comfortable but it's more due to poor padding than seating position. I rode in a GT5s this summer and I could drive it but I could not sit comfortably in the passenger seat. If the sun visor was up it would hit my forehead. This is not the case in my 71 with the above mods.

How much lower are the floorpan to the later cars?
And are they lower both in the front and the rear?
At go down in the front it,s ieasy,but rear you not have many millimeter.
But its in the rear i vill down......

Här kommer några bilder, hoppas dom e till någon hjälp. Tomas, mina knappstoppade orginalstolar i skinn har VERKLIGEN sparsamt med stoppning.(kan det vara mindre och kallas stoppade stolar....?!)

Tydligen dags att tvätta bilen

Tackar ok,vad jag kan se verkar baljan hänga under rambalkarna...
Isåfall lär man känna när man kör i ett större gupp..
(våra vägar häruppe har platser där jag fastnar med kryssramen på corvetten trots att den är orginalhög.. :D )
Det här tål verkligen att tänka på.
Inlägg: 363
Blev medlem: 08 01 27, 14:20
Ort: Skellefte

Inläggav Yngve Pettersson » 08 09 23, 21:16

Hi Kimmo
Sorry for late respons, have been off for a while I mean that the RIGHT seat is a little bit fwd compared to the LEFT due to the engine hump.
Hälsn. Yngve#2483
Yngve Pettersson
Kassör SDTK
Inlägg: 207
Blev medlem: 08 01 25, 23:20
Ort: linköping

Inläggav kimmoschroderus » 08 09 25, 9:25

Hello, Yngve.

And thank you for telling me also that little detail.

Inlägg: 7
Blev medlem: 08 09 16, 10:10
Ort: Nurmijärvi, Finland


Inläggav Ingo » 08 10 14, 20:49

Ser att jag kan sänka ca 3 cm i framkant utan problem(jämnhöjd med balken) men bak kommer man snabbt nedanför ramen vilket inte känns så kul.
Tänker sänka ca 2 cm fram och försöka att sänka lika mycket i bakkant.

Antar att det blir problem om någon riktigt liten ska skjuta fram stolen med sänkt balja,fast tvivlar att min fru vill köra panteran hur som helst.. :lol:
Inlägg: 363
Blev medlem: 08 01 27, 14:20
Ort: Skellefte


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